Fever 104 FM Kolkata

Fever 104 FM Live streaming
Fever 104 FM is one of the leading FM channels within the country today.It (radio operated by HT Media Ltd.) is available in metropolis and Calcutta with a spirited, youthful, creative and interactive programming, that just lets the music play! With the best quality and most amount of music on-air, constantly enjoying solely the high up to date hits it’s substitutable with less speak, more music.
It was launched in 2006 and since then it’s truly modified the radio listening expertise. Despite being one of the latest players within the industry, It is known nowadays for taking part in additional music and in fact quality music than the other station. With the best quality and most quantity of music on-air, constantly enjoying solely the high up to date hits it’s substitutable with less speak, more music.
Fever is also famed for pioneering the conception of radio dramas within the trade and has repackaged nice epics like Sanskrit literature, Gandhi, Bose, Kya Who Sach Tha, Friends in aMetro and Bal Gopal for today’s youth, and its the most genre station now day in Calcutta
They are licensed several ‘firsts’ within the trade. Fever has had many firsts in the trade, be it in the music or non-music genres. From 40 minutes non -stop music, contests, radio dramas to client integrations, innovation is now a half of Fever framework.
It is the selection of today’s times and aims to produce best on air entertainment with most quality music. Strong perceiver focus with a high degree of innovation and creative thinking has invariably been Fever 104 FM’s commitment to its listeners. It today is recognized as a spirited, youthful, creative and the most interactive music destination. Official website of this station kolkata.fever.fm
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